Stockholm university

Research project Mistra Mineral Governance - governing critical raw material supply chains for sustainable transition

Assessing conflicts, co-creating solutions.

Mistra Mineral Governance envisions a world where access to critical raw materials is sufficient for the low carbon energy transition while also protecting human rights and promoting social justice. Through interdisciplinary research and collaborative innovation, the programme aims to help society recognise and balance the complex trade-offs and synergies between access to critical raw materials and democratic governance. 

The long-term ambition of Mistra Mineral Governance is to facilitate a fair energy transition by proactively ensuring equitable and secure access to critical raw materials while also enhancing European and Swedish competitiveness.

Mistra Mineral Governance is funded by Mistra Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning. It runs unto December 2028.


Project members

Project managers

Lisa Dellmuth


Department of Economic History and International Relations
Lisa Dellmuth


Maria-Therese Gustafsson

Senior lecturer, Associate professor

Department of Political Science
Porträttbild av Maria-Therese Gustafsson.

Matilda Petersson


Department of Economic History and International Relations

Mark Rhinard


Department of Economic History and International Relations
Mark Rhinard