Stockholm university

Research project Moral exemplar intervention: a new paradigm for conflict resolution and intergroup reconciliation

The challenge of conflict resolution and intergroup reconciliation is maintained by many social and psychological obstacles such as the belief that members of adversary groups are mostly bad and essentially all the same.

In this project, we developed a novel intervention aimed at challenging these beliefs by exposing people to stories about individuals who have risked some important aspects of their life to save lives of other social groups’ members (so called “moral exemplars”).

The effects of this intervention were tested in several (post)conflict contexts using members of real antagonistic groups with field experiments.

Based on these results and in this project, we developed specific and unique aspects of the moral exemplars intervention in comparison to other existing social-psychological interventions aimed at conflict resolution and intergroup reconciliation. Furthermore, we specified the content and the conditions of the intervention for real-life applications.

Project members

Project managers

Sabina Cehajic-Clancy

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology
Sabina Čehajić-Clancy


Michal Bilewicz

PhD, Associate Professor

University of Warsaw