Stockholm university

Research project National identity in contemporary Sweden: Discourses on Swedishness

This project concerns discourses on Swedish national identity in contemporary Sweden.

The project includes studies that examine 1) how national identity is constituted in public texts, e.g. in advertising and in media, and 2) how national identity is constituted in individual narratives concerning personal experiences of Swedish national identity, as they are expressed in interviews with adults in Sweden.

The project focuses on norms, discrimination and resistance in written, spoken and visual texts concerning ideas about Swedish national identity in Sweden today. The theoretical and methodological framework is dicourse analytical, which means that detailed analysis of linguistic realisations are interpreted as constitutive of the social context where national identity is shaped.

Project members

Project managers

Karin Idevall Hagren

Biträdande lektor, Docent

The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Karin Idevall Hagren Foto Privat