Stockholm university

Research project Nature protection and dispensation

An interdisciplinary research project that have analysed how county councils and municipalities apply the rules on biotope protection and species protection when examining exemptions.

In the research project dispensation decisions regarding nature reserves, shore protection, species protection and biotope protection by county boards and municipalities have been assessed. The purpose has been to draw conclusions about what promotes or hinders the fulfilment of environmental goals and legal certainty in dispensation decisions, and to give recommendations for how legal instruments and guidance can be improved.

Project members

Project managers

Charlotta Zetterberg


Departement of Law, Uppsala University


Anna Christiernsson

Associate senior lecturer

Department of Law

Yaffa Epstein


Departement of Law, Uppsala University

Guillaume Chapron

Associate Professor

Department of Ecology, SLU

Gabriel Michanek

Professor emeritus

Departement of Law, Uppsala University