Stockholm university

Research project Net-DiMaTE – Network for Research on Diversity and Inclusion in Mathematics Teacher Education

A more inclusive mathematics education is an explicit aim and policy for the research in this collaboration. How can pre-service and in-service mathematics teacher education contribute to this aim?

Project description

Net-DiMaTE is a network of research collaboration in the area of teacher education for diversity and inclusion in mathematics, between Stockholm University (Sweden) and the University of Chile in Santiago and the Pontificial Catholic University of Valparaiso (Chile). This grant is part of Sweden’s interest in strengthening links between the two countries in areas of importance for both.

Transnational reports point to the correlation between students’ disparities and low-performance in mathematics. Sharp inequities in mathematics education seem to undermine students’ opportunities to access higher education and to break the poverty circle in which they live. Therefore, the connection between students’ position of disadvantage and the access to quality mathematics education is a problem to tackle by research in the field of mathematics education.

Chile and Sweden stand in a similar predicament concerning the efforts to improve mathematics teacher education in ways in which quality for high achievement and inclusion of disadvantaged students are simultaneously possible. However, the forming of teachers’ work and teacher education differ greatly in both countries. Therefore, the scientific and academic collaboration will allow to engage in an explorative comparison between the contexts and in this way generate insights that are not possible for each partner in isolation. The common identified research focus is on mathematics teachers’ views and knowledge on how to deal with issues of inclusion and achievement in mathematics.

Project members

Project managers

Paola Ximena Valero Duenas


Department of Teaching and Learning
Paola Valero


Eva Norén

Associate professor, Director of studies

Department of Teaching and Learning
Eva Norén, dec 2022

Hendrik Van Steenbrugge

Senior lecturer

Department of Teaching and Learning
Hendrik Van Steenbrugge

Kicki Skog

Senior lecturer

Department of Teaching and Learning
Kicki Skog

Lisa Österling

Senior lecturer

Department of Teaching and Learning
Lisa Österling

Luz Valoyes-Chávez

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE, Chilean team

Manuel Goizueta

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE, Chilean team

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE, Chilean team

Melissa Andrade-Molina

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE, Chilean team

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE, Chilean team

Alex Montecino

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE, Chilean team

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE, Chilean team

Beatriz Fernandez

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE, Chilean team

Collaboration Net-DiMaTE, Chilean team

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