Stockholm university

Research project Neuroscience and preschool.

Possible encounters in theory and practice.

The project takes it starting point in the question of what the encounter between knowledge from the neuroscience research field and preschool's theories about children's learning and didactic learning practices can be productive of. How can such a meeting be established, in what manner and under what circumstances, but also if it is possible and, if not, what the obstacles might be. Focus is on literacy theories and practices, and research on children’s language learning and development.

Project members

Project managers

Lena Aronsson


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Lena Aronsson_02_mindre

More about this project

Huvudhandledare: Hillevi Lenz Taguchi
Handledare: Annika Andersson, PhD i kognitiv neurovetenskap och lektor i svenska som andraspråk, Linnéuniversitetet

Ämne: Förskoledidaktik, inriktning förskolan och utbildningsneurologi /Early Childhood Education