Stockholm university

Research project NG| NATURANCE: Insurance for nature – nature for insurance

The European Green Deal (GD) is a transformative action plan to a healthy, sustainable, prosperous, climate resilient and net-zero emission society

Main thematic blocks of Naturance's methodology
Main thematic blocks of Naturance's methodology

The stated goals of the GD to 'repair the way we interact with nature' permeates most supporting GD initiatives, from zero-pollution and toxic free environment, conservation and restoration of ecosystems, environmentally-friendly food systems, sustainable and smart mobility, green building renovation, clean energy, circular economy and a renewed and ambitious EU climate adaptation strategy.
Nature-based solutions (NbS), defined as 'inspired and supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience' are a fundamental part of these efforts.
The main objective of the Naturance project is to examine technical, financial and operational feasibility and performance of solutions that are built upon and combine disaster risk financing & investments with nature-based solutions.


High resolution image:

Main thematic blocks of Naturance's methodology (155 Kb)

Project members

Project managers

Zahra Kalantari


Department of Physical Geography
Zahra Kalantari


Georgia Destouni

Professor i hydrologi

Department of Physical Geography
Gia Destouni

Zahra Kalantari


Department of Physical Geography
Zahra Kalantari