Stockholm university

Research project NG| Putting locals first: mapping cultural values across rivers of the world

The project will evaluate proxies of socio-cultural services provided by the river, such as mapping locals´ favorite places on the river.

This project quantifies the intangible cultural values that link citizens to their local rivers and explores how the perception of cultural values can influence water resources- and decision management.

Tagliamento river
Tagliamento river

Project description

Sustainable river management is one of the greatest challenges for society, pivotal to water security, food production, and to sustain life in a changing climate. So far, the relationship between rivers and local populations has played a marginal role in river management choices, leading to a disconnection between society and governance. 

A view of the Tagliamento in NE Italy, one of the rivers of the project". Credits Anna Scaini
A view of the Tagliamento in NE Italy, one of the rivers of the project". Credits Anna Scaini

This project answers a critical need to understand how the bond between people and rivers can be a driver for sustainable development by leveraging social change. For the first time, this project integrates approaches to map and valuate cultural ecosystem services in light of adaptation to changes (in climate and in terms of infrastructures etc.) and incorporates local cultural values into water management frameworks. I apply a multi-disciplinary approach to understand interactions and synergies between conflicts of values, response to climate change and sustainable river management.

I will use questionnaires and participatory mapping approaches to quantify cultural ecosystem services and perception of river-related risks, and compare maps of perception with observed values. I will then test novel proxies to provide an indication of riverine cultural values, applicable to rivers worldwide, and use them to assess the effects of including cultural values in the management of rivers. The wide spatial range of rivers will capture different ways of relating to nature and how these affect cultural values and risk perceptions. The insights gained through this research are applicable across a range of issues related to risk and conflict resolution, response and society values, such as flood and drought management, land use impacts, and transboundary water issues. The project highlights the combined effects of changes in climate, land- and water use in river conservation and management strategies.

Project members

Project managers

Anna Scaini


Department of Physical Geography
Anna Scaini


Nino Amvrosiadi

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, SE

Maricela De la Torre Castro

Professor in Natural Resource Management

Department of Physical Geography
Merry Bjewjuu 2019

Georgia Destouni

Professor i hydrologi

Department of Physical Geography
Gia Destouni

Antonino Marvuglia

Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology, LIST, LU

Justine Ramage


Department of Physical Geography

Anna Scaini


Department of Physical Geography
Anna Scaini

Chiara Scaini

National Institute of Oceanography and applied geophysics, IT

Ana Stritih

Technical University Munich, DE

