Stockholm university

Research project NG| Soil Microbial responses to land use and climatic changes in the Light of Evolution (SMILE)

Evolution has shaped how soil microbes live and thus how much greenhouse gases and useful nutrients they produce. We will integrate this idea in new mathematical models to quantify land use and climate effect on soil fertility and carbon storage.

Soil microorganisms drive carbon and nutrient cycles in terrestrial ecosystems, releasing greenhouse gases and producing nutrients fundamental to plants. Despite this globally important role, current mathematical models fail to predict microbial responses to changing conditions—in particular to soil drying and rewetting cycles, and to altered nutrient inputs—and this limits our ability to predict the effects of land use and climatic changes on soils. In this project, we develop new models based on the idea that microorganisms are naturally selected to maximize their fitness and reproductive success, and therefore they respond to these changes in an evolutionarily optimal way. These optimality-based models will be tested using novel databases, and will be integrated into land surface models that can then be applied globally for better prediction of soil processes.

Project members

Project managers

Stefano Manzoni

Universitetslektor, docent

Department of Physical Geography
Stefano Manzoni


Pierre Quévreux


Department of Physical Geography

Erik Schwarz

PhD student

Department of Physical Geography

Xiankun Li


Department of Physical Geography
Xiankun Li

Arjun Chakrawal


Department of Physical Geography


Interacting bioenergetic and stoichiometric controls on microbial growth. Frontiers in Microbiology

Chakrawal A., Calabrese S., Herrmann A., and S. Manzoni (2022). Interacting bioenergetic and stoichiometric controls on microbial growth. Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 859063. • Manzoni S., Fatichi S., Feng X., Katul G. G., Way D. and G. Vico (2022). Consistent responses of vegetation gas exchange to elevated atmospheric CO2 emerge from heuristic and optimization models. Biogeosciences, 19, 4387–4414.