Stockholm university

Research project Non-state actors in the new landscape of international climate cooperation

At a time when the UN climate negotiations appear to be making little progress, non-state initiatives on climate change are thriving.

Furthermore, while ever larger numbers of people from governments and civil society organisations attend the negotiations and the latter's importance is formally being emphasised, their access to the negotiations is increasingly being restricted.

The project examines the interface between the intergovernmental negotiating process and transnational business, environmental NGO, local government and indigenous peoples organisation networks. First, it will study the governance functions of non-state actors in multilateral climate diplomacy. Secondly, the project examines the role that UN climate conferences grants to non-state actors and their transnational activities. Methods employed in this research will include surveys, interviews, case studies and document analysis. Finally, the project will explore the implications of its findings for intergovernmental diplomacy, transnational governance and global democracy, focusing in particular on concepts of authority, accountability and transparency.

The project is a collaboration between Linköping University, Stockholm University and University of East Anglia. 

Project members

Project managers

Karin Bäckstrand


Department of Political Science
Porträttfoto på Karin Bäckstrand.


Karin Bäckstrand


Department of Political Science
Porträttfoto på Karin Bäckstrand.