Stockholm university

Research project Nordic Network on Longitudinal Child Welfare Research (NORDLOCH)

Multidisciplinary network to unite Nordic researchers with expertise in longitudinal welfare research.

The objective of this multidisciplinary network is to bring together researchers from the Nordic countries with expertise in longitudinal child welfare research. For the last decades, policymakers, professionals and scholars all over the world have had serious concerns about both short and long-term outcomes of child welfare interventions.

Project description

Empirical findings from longitudinal research challenge the common assumption in child welfare policy that societal interventions in the form of out-of-home care (foster care/residential care) make a significant difference for the life chances of children from adverse backgrounds, not least in the Nordic countries. However, decent comparisons between countries of outcomes from child welfare interventions are few and far in between.

Network meetings would not only provide a forum for exchanging ideas and discussing research findings (particularly for junior researchers), but also for collaborating on at least one international publication with comparative analyses of outcomes for Nordic child welfare interventions. Comparative analyses of outcomes of child welfare interventions has a sound potential to profoundly increase Nordic knowledge about outcomes, risk factors and protective factors, and the role of national context.

Project members

Project managers

Lars Brännström


Department of Social Work


Hilma Forsman


Department of Social Work
Hilma Forsman. Foto: Rickard Kihlström


Berlin, M., Kääriliä, A., Lausten, M., Andersson, G. & Brännström, L. (2021 )

Long-term NEET among young adults with experience of out-of-home care: A comparative study of three Nordic countries. International Journal of Social Welfare, 30(3): 266-279.