Stockholm university

Research project Notetaking and active listening in a second language: Exploring student habits and performance

This one-year project focuses on the notes students take while listening to academic content in English. It examines notetaking samples as well as reported habits and perspectives related to notetaking.

Data were collected from upper secondary school English classes in Sweden in order to investigate how and why students take notes in certain ways and to identify patterns for capturing meaning in notes. These patterns can include writing verbatim, paraphrasing, using abbreviations, and translanguaging (or using more than one language) in notes. Organizational systems for notetaking, such as using bullet points, indenting, etc. are also analyzed. 

An example of translanguaging of notes (featuring Japanese and English)
An example of translanguaging of notes (featuring Japanese and English)

Project members

Project managers

Joseph Siegel


Department of English
Joseph Siegel