Stockholm university

Research project Novel photosensors for future dark matter direct detection experiments

What is the nature of dark matter?

In this project we develop a novel photosensor technology for the DARWIN dark matter direct detection experiment. Dark matter direct detection experiments and neutrino experiments have one major fact in common: many of them use photosensors. Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) have been the go-to technology for many decades. However PMTs are also delicate detectors which can develop problems like vacuum leaks or light emission. The ABALONE photosensor has the potential to replace the old PMT technology. It shows very promising properties like a low radioactive background, a large sensitive area and a low rate of false signals.
In this project we setup a testing facility and do a full characterisation of the ABALONE photosensor for its application in liquid noble elements.

Project members

Project managers

Jörn Mahlstedt


Department of Physics
Joern Mahlstedt Photo
