Stockholm university

Research project Ocean acidification in the Siberian Seas: The impact of permafrost thaw and methane release

Strong acidification of the Siberian Arctic Ocean limits future CO2 uptake and threatens marine food webs in the region, and is likely connected to permafrost thaw.

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Ocean acidification results from rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations and represents a tipping element of the carbon-climate system, as benthic organisms at the base of food webs cannot form carbonate shells in acidic waters. The Arctic Ocean north of Siberia already now shows strong acidification that might be amplified by additional CO2 derived from (1) decomposition of organic matter released from thawing land permafrost, and (2) oxidation of methane released from subsea sources. The OASIS project (Ocean Acidification in the SIberian Seas) will assess to what extent both processes can contribute to ocean acidification in the region, as well as the potential of methane oxidation to reduce methane emissions. These questions will be targeted by combing field data, laboratory experiments, isotopic tools, and large-scale databases.

Project members

Project managers

Birgit Wild

Assistant professor

Department of Environmental Science
Profile picture Birgit Wild


Lewis Johannes Sauerland

PhD student

Department of Environmental Science