Stockholm university

Research project OVERVIEW AFFECT: Prioritising care, maintenance, and repair in space science education

This is a two-part workshop where we explore care, maintenance and repair in the context of space science education. We are developing innovative pedagogical methods to create a greater inclusion of these themes in space science discourses.

Project description

This workshop aims to open up care, maintenance and repair as research themes within space science education, and space science educational research. Existing research fails to consider how these skills underpin the durational work in space science and thus leaves them out of education. This means, those who join the field after classroom education are unprepared for coming tasks. Likewise, those who excel in these skills but did not see them valued in their formal or informal education context, leave the field early. 

The education community has yet to develop an understanding of how to engage such themes and narratives in space science, physics education, and wider research to its learners. This workshop will resolve this by bringing together interested researchers around the world in two hybrid sessions. 

The workshop calls for action by embedding feminist emphases in the field more generally. At the workshop researchers get to answer key research questions as; What might having a focus on maintenance, care, and repair highlight in space science education studies? How do these themes pluralise who identifies with space science education? How can this focus be implemented in informal and formal education contexts?

Project members

Project managers

Eleanor Armstrong


Department of Teaching and Learning
Ellie, a white woman wearing glasses with pink hair, smiles wearing a green leopard print dress.

Carolina De Barros Vidor

PhD student

The Department of Education, Uppsala University
Carolina De Barros Vidor

Réka Patrícia Gál

PhD student

University of Toronto, Faculty of Information
Réka Patrícia Gál