Stockholm university

Research project PARC - Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals

PARC aims to develop next-generation chemical risk assessment to protect human health and the environment. The research program will support decision-makers with new data, knowledge, methods and tools, expertise and networks.


In the work package “Innovation in regulatory risk assessment” we will contribute to the review of existing regulatory assessment systems to support regulatory processes, transition to a circular economy and relevant policy-related strategies. 

Our case studies will address the harmonisation of the chemical regulation according to “One substance – one assessment”, the effectiveness of risk management measures, simplifying and streamlining environmental risk assessment for the authorisation of plant protection products, and evaluation of conclusions drawn in guideline-compliant developmental neurotoxicity studies.

Project members

Project managers

Marlene Ågerstrand

Associate Professor

Department of Environmental Science
Marlene Ågerstrand

Axel Mie


Department of Environmental Science
Axel Mie


Natasja Börjeson

Post doc

Department of Environmental Science
Natasja Börjeson

Mathilda Andreassen

PhD student

Department of Environmental Science

Diana Kättström

PhD student

Department of Environmental Science

Flora Borchert

PhD student

Department of Environmental Science

Christina Rudén


Department of Environmental Science