Stockholm university

Research project Parents’ and friends’ responses to young men’s intimate partner violence

Although intimate partner violence (IPV) is more common among youths than adults, it is unnoticed and poorly researched in Sweden. Internationally, there is a paucity of studies on young partner-violent men’s experiences of network responses, which can be decisive for the initiation, persistence and cessation of violence.

The project has therefore interview young men that have been violent or abusive in intimate relationships about their experiences as well as about the responses from parents, peers and others.

Project members

Project managers

Lucas Gottzén


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Lucas Gottzén. Photo: Niklas Björling.


Hanna Bornäs


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Hanna Bornäs

Kalle Berggren

Universitetslektor, docent

Department of Child and Youth Studies
Kalle Berggren