Stockholm university

Research project PERFORCE3

PERFORCE3 will greatly improve the understanding of these globally pervasive contaminants, find solutions for PFAS contamination problems and improve environmental and human health risk assessment frameworks and policies.

The ITN PERFORCE3 brings together world leaders in a range of disciplines (physical, synthetic, environmental and analytical chemistry, pharmacokinetics, epidemiology, toxicology, remediation science and chemical policy) with state-of-the-art technologies, providing high quality doctoral training and research environments to 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). The training includes independent research work in individual yet interlinked research projects and a well-structured training programme including technical and professional transferable skills courses, network meetings and workshops as well as lab visits and secondments. Participation in PERFORCE3 will equip young scientists with research and transferable skills and competences, while fostering their creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and boosting their career perspectives through international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility opportunities.

Project members

Project managers

Ian Cousins


Department of Environmental Science
Ian Cousins


Jonathan Benskin


Department of Environmental Science
Jonathan Benskin