Stockholm university

Research project Places and Boundaries: Migrant Children’s Educational Transitions in Sweden

Research shows that an increasing segregation has created a tangible inequality between different municipalities and individual schools. Where children and young people live and which school they attend has become of decisive importance for the possibility of reaching the knowledge requirements and continuing their studies.

The purpose of the project is to generate long-standing empirical and theoretical knowledge about how educational transitions from elementary school to upper secondary school and from upper secondary school to higher education or to working life, are shaped by boundaries and places for first-generation migrant children and youth. 


The project consists of three interrelated research questions:

  1. What are the patterns and thresholds of educational transitions for the first-generation migrant children and youth in different places?
  2. How do structural, social and symbolic boundaries shape educational transitions for migrant children and youth, and how do these boundaries intersect with different places?
  3. How are structural, social and symbolic boundaries managed, negotiated and experienced by migrant children and youth and school actors in rural and urban areas? 


Development of research environment towards Education and Migration

The project Navigating Places and Negotiating Boundaries forms the basis for the development of a research environment at the Department of Education at Stockholm University. The research environment "Education & Migration" intends to bring together researchers from different disciplines with the aim of providing research-based answers and lessons with great importance for one of the central education policy issues of our time - the organization of the education system and the implementation of teaching in relation to society's change and social cohesion.

Education & Migration Seminar Series (EMSS)

This is a new seminar series starting fall 2023. Our planned seminars for the next two semesters will be related to this research project.

Education & Migration Seminar Series (EMSS)


Project title: Navigating Places and Negotiating Boundaries: A Multidisciplinary Study of Migrant Children’s Educational Transitions in Sweden



Sneakers ovanifrån på två sidor om en linje

Project description



We set out to do this as a multidisciplinary research team across the educational and social sciences. Our research design combines interpretative qualitative research with demographic, quantitative research. By addressing these urgent yet intricate questions, this research environment will facilitate to develop theoretically-informed analyses, with clear policy relevance, about the ways in which the schooling system, places and boundaries intersect and shape the educational transitions of migrants.

We will also carry out ethnographic fieldwork at selected schools in three municipalities with the aim of following educational transitions in a more in-depth way. This means:

  • interviewing municipal politicians, civil servants, principals, teachers, study and guidance counselors,
  • interviewing migrant children and youth as well as
  • observing high school fairs, open house days, information meetings, guidance talks, etc.



Project members

Project managers

Marianne Teräs


Department of Education
Marianne Teräs-foto-SörenAndersson


Stefan Lund


Department of Education
Stefan Lund

Ali Osman

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Ali Osman

Andrea Voyer

Docent, Senior Lecturer in sociology

Department of Sociology
Andrea Voyer profile pic Photo L Zoubir Stockholm University.jpg

Rebecca Ye

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Rebecca Ye

Guilherme Kenjy Chihaya Da Silva

Associate Professor

Faculty of Social Sciences, Nord University, Norway
Guilherme Kenjy Chihaya Da Silva