Stockholm university

Research project Plattan i mattan - The tablets to the floor

Didactic design and digital learning tablets in preschool.

The project (funded by Uppsala Municipality, and carried out with great help from project assistant Farzaneh Moinian, Uppsala University) began in 2013 with all municipal preschools in Uppsala.

The report itself, with preschool teachers as the target group, instead contributes with a descriptive picture of the research results. Based on the results of the study, UR has developed an app - Tripp trapp trees - aimed at preschool activities.

Project members

Project managers

Susanne Kjällander


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Susanne Kjällander. Foto: Björn Dalin.


Farzaneh Moinian


Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier. Uppsala universitet
Farzaneh Moinian, universitetslektor, Uppsala universitet.