Stockholm university

Research project Problem situations, learning models and teaching strategies

This research project is called: Problem situations, learning models and teaching strategies - design of a professional support for the youngest students' understanding of the positional system.

The purpose of this collaborative design project is to create a professional framework of tasks, tools and theoretical principles based on Davydov's learning activity theory (LAT) to be used by teachers to improve f-3 students' understanding of the structure of the positional notation system (PNS) regardless of base.

Furthermore, we study students' experiences of the PNS developed in a teaching designed as a learning activity. The ability to reflect more generally on the PNS and its structure is seen as an aspect of algebraic thinking. Central to LAT is the students' collective theoretical exploration with the support of symbolic and / or material mediating tools in the form of learning models.

The professional framework is intended to stimulate teacher to collaboratively develop their teaching. Descriptions of students' conception of the PNS can be used for both planning and assessment of students' structural understanding. The project is implemented in two socio-economically different schools.

Research questions:

  • What kind of tasks, learning models and teaching strategies based on LAT facilitate mutual reflections on the structure of the PNS regardless of prior experience?
  • What theoretical aspects of LAT are essential to the teaching of the PNS?
  • Which abilities and skills used by the students when working with the PNS can be identified and utilized as a foundation for further planning and assessment?

Project members

Project managers

Inger Eriksson


Department of Teaching and Learning
Inger Eriksson