Stockholm university

Conferences and presentations

Professional Communication and Digital Media.


Parallella språk och hotad privatsfär. Kommunikation på kommersiella företag [Parallel languages and threatened privacy. Communication in commercial companies]. Presentation at the conference “Forum för arbetslivsforskning” (conference on work life research), Norrköping, June 2019. Mona Blåsjö, Sofia Johansson. Book of abstracts (in Swedish).

“So there I can search instead of sending you an email?!” Sharing of texts as digital literacy practice in work life. Presentation at the conference Forum för textforskning (Text research), Uppsala, June 2019. Mona Blåsjö.

Communication and language use at the company – A report from an ongoing research project. Feedback presentation at one of the participating companies, June 2019. Mona Blåsjö, Carla Jonsson.

Discourses around a global intranet: Language ideologies and attitudes in an international company. Presentation at the symposium Analyzing Ideologies, Attitudes and Power in Language Contact Settings, Stockholm University, May 2019. Mona Blåsjö, Carla Jonsson.

The Olympics and the 'semla' bun – Locality and translocality in complex workplace communication. Presentation at the conference Interaction and discourse in flux: Changing landscapes of everyday life, University of Oulu, April 2019. Mona Blåsjö.

Nexus analysis of language policy work. Presentation within the research network “Kommunikation i arbetslivet” (Work life communication), Stockholm University, February 2019. Mona Blåsjö, Carla Jonsson, Sofia Johansson.


Communication and language at the company – brief report from an ongoing research project. Feedback presentation at one of the participating companies, November 2018. Mona Blåsjö, Carla Jonsson.

Access to and power over texts in the digital work life. Presentation at the conference Nordisco, Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction, Aarhus University, November 2018. Mona Blåsjö.

Multilingual Writing in the Global Workplace. Presentation at the workshop “Multilingual Writing – Methodologies and Concepts across Contexts” at MultiLing, University of Oslo, October 2018. Carla Jonsson.


Participation in the conference ALAPP, Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, Ghent University, November 2017. Mona Blåsjö.

“Den där grejen som jag hade lovat att göra inför morgondagens möte” En chef kommunicerar vid skrivbordet [“That thing I promised to do before the meeting tomorrow” A manager’s work desk communication]. Presentation at the conference Svenskans beskrivning, Uppsala University, October 2017. Mona Blåsjö, Carla Jonsson, Sofia Johansson.

“Den där grejen som jag hade lovat att göra inför morgondagens möte” En chef kommunicerar vid skrivbordet [“That thing I promised to do before the meeting tomorrow” A manager’s work desk communication]. Presentation within the research network “Kommunikation i arbetslivet” (Work life communication), Stockholm University, September 2017. Mona Blåsjö, Carla Jonsson, Sofia Johansson.


The discursive power of the digital calendar – a nexus analysis. Presentation at the conference NorDisCo, Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction, University of Oslo, November 2016. In Invited Panel: Delimiting the object of study in discourse and interaction analysis, led by Professor Anna-Malin Karlsson, Uppsala University. Mona Blåsjö.

Professional Communication and Digital Media. Presentation at the international workshop Interpreting practices at the multilingual workplace, led by Professor Cecilia Wadensjö and Professor Gunilla Jansson, Stockholm University, April 2016. Mona Blåsjö.


Doing it all at once. Nexus analysis of complex work situations for executives. Presentation at the conference ALAPP, Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, Università degli Studi di Milano, November 2015. Mona Blåsjö.


Mona Blåsjö

About me

My research is about adults' communication in contemporary society, focusing on the role of texts, digital media and writing. At present, I am working on several projects on crisis communication as a profession. My general research interest concerns how people act in relation to texts och tools, and build knowledge together. My research fields are applied linguistics, literacy studies, social semiotics and mediated discourse analysis (nexus analysis).

Together with Stefan Norrthon, I coordinate the research group "Interaction and multilingualism".


Coordinator of master theses. 

This semester, I also teach sociolinguistics at graduate level.


Ann Ohlsson (licentiate 2023): Is it allowed to be visible in the text? A case study of upper secondary school students' meaning-making about academic text

Raphael Sannholm (PhD 2021): Translation, Teamwork, and Technology. The Use of Social and Material Scaffolds in the Translation Process

Johan Christensson (PhD 2021): Teacher identity as discourse. A case study in Swedish teacher education 

Linnea Hanell (PhD 2017): The knowledgeable parent: ideologies of communication in Swedish health discourse

Ingrid Lennartson-Hokkanen (PhD 2016): Organization, Attitudes, Learning Potential: A Pedagogical Collaboration Project on Writing between an Educational Program and a Writing Center

Yvonne Hallesson (licentiate 2011): The Reading Literacy of High-performing Students in Upper Secondary School

Ulrika Nemeth (licentiate 2011): In pursuit of the approved internet text. Reading practices and use of the internet in upper secondary school.


Research projects

Professional crisis communication in practice - lessons learned (pilot study 2022-2023, project manager)

Professional Communication and Digital Media: Complexity, Mobility and Multilingualism in the Global Workplace (2016-2019, project manager)

The Struggle for the Text - on teacher students meetings and negotiations with different academic writing traditions on their way towards a passed paper (2012-2015)

Writing to Learn in Digital Environments (2010-2013)

Mediational means in academic texts (2003-2006)


Peer-reviewed articles

Landqvist & Blåsjö (2024): Collaboration, reinvented tools, and specialist knowledge. Communication professionals’ experiences of global health crisis management. Discourse & Communication.

Blåsjö (2022): Text, tid och handling i ett reglerat rum. En diskursanalys av mediering i hybrid arbetslivskommunikation. [Text, time and action in a regulated room. A discourse analysis of mediation in hybrid work life communication] Språk och stil 32, 5-37.

Blåsjö, Jonsson & Johansson (2021): ”I don’t know if I can share this.” Agency and sociomateriality in digital text sharing of business communication. Journal of Digital Social Research, 3(3), 1-31. 

Blåsjö & Jonsson (2021/2023): "It’s not the same thing as last time I wrote a report." Digital text sharing in changing organizations. Applied Linguistics Review 14(4), 799-822.

Nissi, Blåsjö & Jonsson (2021/2023): Workplace communication in flux: From discrete languages, text genres and conversations  to complex communicative situations. Applied Linguistics Review 14(4), 679-695.

Jonsson & Blåsjö (2020). Translanguaging and multimodality in workplace texts and writing. International Journal of Multilingualism 17(3), 361-381.

Blåsjö, Johansson & Jonsson (2019): 'Put a meeting in my calendar!' The literacy practice of the digital calendar in workplaces. Sakprosa 1(11), 1-47.

Blåsjö & Christensson (2018): Questions as literacy practice and boundary object in a teacher education setting. Linguistics and Education 48, 85-95. 

Arneback & Blåsjö (2017). Doing interdisciplinarity in teacher education. Resources for learning through writing in two educational programmes. Education Inquiry, 8(4), 299-317.

Hort, Knutsson & Blåsjö (2016). Genre pedagogy for digital learning environments. Design patterns for dialogues about texts. I: Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Designs for Learning. Aalborg: Aalborg universitetsforlag, 79–97.

Blåsjö, Knutsson & Cerratto Pargman (2012). Exploring the Design Space of Genre Pedagogy and Virtual Learning Environments. Conference Proceedings. Designs for Learning, 75-77.

Blåsjö (2013). ”Att skriva avtal är att förutse problem.” Medierad diskursanalys som metod för att studera bolagsjuristers textbruk. I: Sakprosa 5:2, 1–34.

Knutsson, Blåsjö, Hållsten & Karlström (2012): Identifying different registers of digital literacy. The Internet and Higher Education 4(15), 237–246.

Blåsjö (2011). From percentage to prediction. University students meeting a parallel language of visuals and numerals. Ibérica 22, 123–139.


Blåsjö, Christensson & Hanell (2024): Medierad diskursanalys. Att studera nexus mellan språkbruk och handling. [Mediated discourse analysis. Studying the nexus between language use and action.]  Lund: Studentlitteratur

Blåsjö & Jonsson (Eds.) (2018): Mångfald, möten och mejl. En forskningsöversikt och tre fallstudier om arbetslivskommunikation. [Diversity, meetings and emails. A research overview and three case studies on work life communication.] MINS 64. Stockholms universitet.

Blåsjö (2010). Skrivteori och skrivforskning. En forskningsöversikt. [Writing theory and literacy research.] MINS 56. Stockholms universitet.

Blåsjö (2004). Studenters skrivande i två kunskapsbyggande miljöer. [Students' writing in two knowledge-constructing settings.] Diss. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.

Chapters in books

Blåsjö & Jonsson (2022): Kollektiv översättning under ett jobbmöte. In: Dahnberg & Lindqvist (Eds.), Tango för tre. En dansant festskrift till Cecilia Wadensjö. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet. 

Blåsjö & Wittek (2017): Skrivandet i professionsutbildningar – forskningsöversikt och teoretiska utgångpunkter. I: Erixon & Josephson (red.), Kampen om texten. Examensarbetet i lärarutbildningen. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Blåsjö & Josephson (2017): Möten i domäner: uppsatsarbete i styrda strukturer. I: Erixon & Josephson (red.), Kampen om texten. Examensarbetet i lärarutbildningen. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Blåsjö & Josephson (2017): Texter och genrenormer. I: Erixon & Josephson (red.), Kampen om texten. Examensarbetet i lärarutbildningen. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Hanell & Blåsjö (2014). Diskurs i handling. Att analysera människors handlingar med medierad diskursanalys. I: Karlsson & Makkonen-Craig (red.), Analysing text AND talk: Att analysera texter OCH samtal. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, 14–27.

Blåsjö, Hållsten, Karlström, Knutsson & Cerratto Pargman (2014). Att skriva för att lära i digitala miljöer. Resultatdialog 2014. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet, 109–119.

Blåsjö (2009). Appropriering av fackkunskap - förutsättning för ett "godkänt" akademiskt skrivande? I: Vatn, Folkvord & Smidt (red.) Skriving i kunnskapssamfunnet. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 143–160.

Blåsjö & Räisänen (2011). Redskap mellan världar. Medierande redskap och konstruktionen av ämneskunskap. I: Resultatdialog. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet, 143–148.

Blåsjö (2007). Medierande redskap – ett sätt att se på högre utbildning och yrkesliv i samverkan? I: Matre & Hoel (red.), Skrive for nåtid og framtid. 2, Skriving og rettleiing i høgre utdanning. Trondheim: Tapir.

Blåsjö (2007). Litteraturlistan som medierande redskap. Några tankar om ett mångfunktionellt akademiskt textparti. I: Milles & Vogel (red.), Språkets roll och räckvidd. Festskrift till Staffan Hellberg den 18 februari 2007. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 54–58.

Blåsjö (2005). Dialog med nötter. Markering av grupptillhörighet i historikers fotnoter. I: Bäcklund m.fl. (red.), Text i arbete. Festskrift till Britt-Louise Gunnarsson den 12 januari 2005. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, 38–44.

Blåsjö (2004). ”Blir du logisk, lille vän?” Medierande redskap i nationalekonomi. I: Ilie (red.), Language, culture, rhetoric. Cultural and rhetorical perspectives on communication. Papers from the ASLA symposium in Örebro, 6–7 november 2003. ASLA 17. Valdemarsvik: Akademitryck, 257–266.

Research projects