Stockholm university

Research project Professional crisis communication in practice – lessons learned

How did communication specialists in Swedish municipalities work during the covid-19-pandemic? What did they learn that could be of use in future crisis?

Illustration of a red virus in a megaphone.
Photo: Lumination, MostPhotos

In this study, interviews and textual material are analysed with a framework of Mediated Discourse Analysis in combination with Legitimation Code Theory. The analysis shows that the work of the communicators was characterised by collaboration with other professional groups and the civil society, and that the complexity and important time aspects during this crisis gave birth to semi-new, reinvented, discursive tools in the shape of textual genres. Regarding conceptions of communication, the communicators conceived of relevant knowledge as being concept-driven and developed the belief that conveyance of knowledge should be thoroughly planned in a way that takes complexity into account.

The full analysis is published in this article:
Landqvist & Blåsjö (2024): Collaboration, reinvented tools, and specialist knowledge. Communication professionals’ experiences of global health crisis management. Discourse & Communication.

Project members

Project managers

Mona Blåsjö


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Mona Blåsjö


Mats Landqvist


Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
