Stockholm university

Research project Promoting the reading of deaf students in sign language-based classrooms

The project aims to test and evaluate a newly developed reading material that is based on both signs and words. The goal is to generate new knowledge about deaf people's reading that can contribute to improved reading skills in deaf children.

Schönström främjande
Gabby Baldrocco/Mostphotos

Reading research often assumes that new readers have a more or less developed spoken language in their baggage that they can use when they learn to read. But how does this work for deaf children who have no or only limited access to a spoken language and who have instead grown up with sign language and use it as their primary language? Unfortunately, there is a lack of interventions to support deaf students' reading, e.g., using sign language. The project aims to test and evaluate a newly developed reading material. The reading material is based on signs and words, aiming that the children practice connecting signs, words, and spellings. The goal is to generate new knowledge about deaf people's reading that can be used in teaching and contribute to improved reading skills in deaf children.

Project members

Project managers

Krister Schönström


Department of Linguistics
Krister profile picture


Ingela Holmström

Senior lecturer, Reader, Head of Department (deputy)

Department of Linguistics
Ingela Holmström 2023

Lina Jerpö


Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten
Lina Jerpö