Stockholm university

Research project Reducing poverty and increasing employment through the tax system

A comparative perspective on earned income tax credits. The purpose of this project is to analyze if earned income tax credits (EITCs) are able to reduce poverty and increase employment, and particularly under which conditions these two aims can be pursued simultaneously.

A woman walks from the office of the Swedish Employment Service
Photo: agnetasfoton

EITCs are tax instruments that promote income from work over income from the welfare state and their use have increased in many countries over the last two decades. Sweden, for example, introduced an EITC in 2007 (Jobbskatteavdrag), with the explicit aim to increase work-incentives. However, despite an increase in employment in many Western countries, poverty has increased or at best remained stable. Does this mean that EITCs involve a trade-off between employment and poverty alleviation? To what extent are the two odaniel bjectives of EITCs complementary? How should EITCs be organized to simultaneously boost employment and reduce poverty

Project members

Project managers

Daniel Fredriksson


Swedish Institute for Social Research
Daniel Fredriksson - 2


Kenneth Tommy Nelson


Swedish Institute for Social Research
Professor Kenneth Nelson