Stockholm university

Research project Religious education for Sustainable Social Development

The research project focuses on examining methods and policies for teaching about religions and religious diversity in Swedish and South African schools. The aim is to promote sustainable social development.

Project description

Project members.

According to the UN's Global Goals 4, 10, and 17, member countries must ensure inclusive and equitable quality education that promotes lifelong learning for all. These goals emphasize the importance of reducing inequalities within and between countries, and that sustainable social development cannot be achieved if any part of the world is excluded. The goals also focus on global partnerships and cooperation, requiring solidarity, capacity building, and resource mobilization to ensure no country or group is left behind in development.

This research project is based on the UN goals outlined above. The project focuses on examining methods and policies for teaching about religions and religious diversity in Swedish and South African schools. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the current situation and to develop new effective educational methods that can promote sustainable social development through religious education. South Africa and Sweden are two interesting countries to compare, as they have different conditions but strive towards the same goals of equitable education and sustainable development. We hope this comparison will provide us with new and valuable perspectives on education.

Central Research Questions

In addition to reviewing policy documents, an important ambition of the project is to study how teaching is actually implemented in practice. According to guidelines, religious education should be "non-confessional" in both South Africa and Sweden, but this is not always the case. Therefore, our research questions also need to include the support teachers require to broaden their competence in various religious and non-religious traditions, so they can teach "about" religion in a confident and objective manner.

We are particularly focusing on:

  • How do different stakeholders perceive the role of religion in education – do they see it as a "human resource" or a "hindrance" to sustainable social development?
  • How do these perceptions influence their thoughts, actions, behaviors, and attitudes towards a multireligious and multicultural society?
  • What aspects of national identity can be identified by comparing two countries, and how do religious literacy, religious identity, and citizenship interact?
  • How does educational practice support or counteract the image of the citizen created in political texts?
  • How does religious literacy affect religious and national identity?
  • What role does the school play in contributing to the values in the changing societies of South Africa and Sweden?

Project members

Project managers

Caroline Klintborg

Senior lecturer, Associate professor

Department of Teaching and Learning
Caroline Klintborg

Kerstin von Brömssen

Högskolan Väst
Kerstin von Brömssen


Caroline Klintborg

Senior lecturer, Associate professor

Department of Teaching and Learning
Caroline Klintborg

Kerstin von Brömssen

Högskolan Väst
Kerstin von Brömssen

Karin Flensner

Högskolan Väst
Karin Flensner

prof. Maitumeleng Nthontho

University of Pretoria

dr. Mahlaphlapana Themane

University of Limpopo

dr. Lufuluvhi Midimeli

University of Venda