Stockholm university

Research project Renovation, privatisation, and conversions of rental housing

What are the consequences?How does renovations, privatisation, and conversions of rental housing affect the composition of housing in Swedish neighbourhoods? This, linked to changes in segregation, will be investigated in this longitudinal research project.

This project aims to systematically assess the impact conversions, privatisations, and renovations of rental housing have had on segregation in Sweden. We will study these processes in a systematic way with four 'simple' questions; Who, where, when, and what are the consequences in terms of segregation?

Project description

Modern apartment building
Photo: Weerayut Ranmai/Mostphotos

First, we will map out where and when conversions, privatisations, and renovations have occurred in Sweden, using Swedish register data covering the total population from 1990-2022.

Second, we will analyse, using regression techniques, who, in terms of characteristics of the tenants, are living in and leaving areas that are undergoing renovations, conversions, and privatisations.

Third, we will assess whether conversions, privatisations, and renovations are followed by a social change in the neighbourhood. We will study how the characteristics of the tenants within these areas have changed over time and what difference this change has for cities/ towns in terms of segregation.

The processes we study have an impact on the spatial distribution of public and private rental housing and the composition of households within these sectors in nearly all places in Sweden. The distribution of the public housing sector is of key importance for levels of segregation in Sweden. Thus, the outcomes of this project will provide policymakers with important information on how the future challenges of the rental sector will unfold.

Project members

Project managers

Ida Borg


Department of Human Geography
Ida Borg 2022


Eva Andersson


Department of Human Geography
Eva K. Andersson

Jennie Gustafsson


Department of Urban Studies
Jennie Gustafsson, researcher.

Ana Tramosljanin

PhD student

Department of Human Geography
Ana Tramosljanin

More about this project

Project activities (2023-

Borg, Ida “Displacement in the Swedish rental regime” Invited presentation for a seminar at Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, March 2023.

Borg, Ida “Displacement in the Swedish rental regime: Who moves out from renovated properties?” presented at conference European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) Lodz, Poland July 2023

Borg, Ida “Displacement in the Swedish rental regime: Who moves out from renovated properties?” presented at First retreat for the National research program on segregation, arranged by the Swedish Research Council, Uppsala, Sweden, November 2023

Borg, Ida “Displacement in the Swedish rental regime: Who moves out from renovated properties?” presented at Swedish Espanet, Malmö, Sweden, November 2023

Borg, Ida ”Vilka flyttar när fastigheten renoveras? En kvantitativ undersökning om flyttbenägenheten hos hushåll som bor i fastigheter som renoverats mellan åren 1995–2019”. Bostad2030 report and online seminar, December 2023.

And online seminar:

Borg, Ida ”Vilka flyttar när fastigheten renoveras? En kvantitativ undersökning om flyttbenägenheten hos hushåll som bor i fastigheter som renoverats mellan åren 1995–2019”. Invited presentation at Public Housing Sweden, January 2024