Stockholm university

Research project Samsyn – Coordination and visibility in education and instruction in introductory programs at Upper

The Samsyn project is based on close cooperation between the research group Intensivsvenska and the Swedish National Agency for Education (Developing the introductory programs at upper secondary school).

The aim is to improve the conditions for students in the introductory programs such that they get improved and equal opportunities to reach the goals in school and to increase knowledge about collective learning among school staff in practice.

The work within the project aims to strengthen the systematic quality improvement in a number of schools. Outcomes of the project will emerge in the form of, among other things, tested tools for curriculum planning and pedagogical organization. A systematic evaluation of implementation and effects will also be carried out.

Project members

Project managers

Maria Lim Falk


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Maria Lim Falk Foto: Linnea Bengtsson


Julia Backelin Forsberg


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Julia, i hästsvans, tittar över axeln och ler.

Helena Bani Shoraka

Universitetslektor, Studierektor tolkning

The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Helena Bani-Shoraka

Anna-Mia Bergkvist


Office of Human Science
Anna-Mia Bergkvist

Mikaela Eek


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Mikaela Eek. Foto: Helena Bani-Shoraka

Monica Karlsson

High school teacher in Swedish, Swedish as a second language and German

Sjödalsgymnasiet in Huddinge

Johanna Prytz


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism

Sally Ramberg


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Sally Ramberg. Foto: Helena Bani-Shoraka

Tomas Riad


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Tomas Riad, waf 2015