Stockholm university

Research project Scientific state or state science? The knowledge-base of Swedish welfare research and welfare policy

The interlacing of decision-makers, experts and researchers is often put forward as a decisive factor in the creation of modern Sweden. However, research shows that this collaboration has never been without friction, e.g. in the conflict between research commissioned by politicians and the free research.

The project analyzes intersections and tensions between the knowledge-base of policy and research within welfare politics, by the example of substance abuse policy. Drawing theoretically on science-policy nexus research and history of science, the project examines the relation between policy and research historically and contextually. Making use of empirical and archival material from different arenas the project analyzes the shifting ways politicians, authorities, and researchers have defined the knowledge-base of the field from the 1910s and onwards. In three separate studies knowledge production, knowledge dissemination, and knowledge utilization is examined. In a fourth study the results are synthesized and compared. What efforts have been made to ensure the policymakers’ need of research-based knowledge and how have researchers responded? In what ways have the status of research as a political reform instrument changed during the last century?

Project description

The interlacing of decision-makers, experts and researchers is often put forward as a decisive factor in the creation of modern Sweden. Some historians have even labeled the Swedish welfare state as an institutionalized “scientific state”. However, research shows that this collaboration has never been without friction, e.g. in the conflict between research commissioned by politicians and the free research idealized by the researchers.

The interlacing of decision-makers, experts and researchers are often put forward as a decisive factor in the creation pf modern Sweden. Some historians have even labeled the Swedish welfare state as an institutionalized “scientific state”. However, research shows that this collaboration has never been without friction, e.g. in the conflict between research commissioned by politicians and the free research idealized by the researchers.

The project analyzes intersections and tensions between the knowledge-base of policy and research within welfare politics, by the example of substance abuse policy. Drawing theoretically on science-policy nexus research and history of science, the project examines the relation between policy and research historically and contextually. Making use of empirical and archival material from different arenas the project analyzes the shifting ways politicians, authorities, and researchers have defined the knowledge-base of the field from the 1910s and onwards. In three separate studies knowledge production, knowledge dissemination, and knowledge utilization is examined. In a fourth study the results are synthesized and compared. What efforts have been made to ensure the policymakers’ need of research-based knowledge and how have researchers responded? In what ways have the status of research as a political reform instrument changed during the last century?

Project members

Project managers

Johan Edman


Department of Criminology
Johan Edman


Lena Eriksson


Department of Public Health Sciences
Lena Eriksson

Katarina Winter


Department of Criminology
K. Winter


Bergenheim, S, Edman, J., Kananen, J. & Wessel, M. (2018).

Conceptualising public health: an introduction. I: Johannes Kananen, Sophy Bergenheim & Merle Wessel (red.), Conceptualising Public Health: Historical and Contemporary Struggles over Key Concepts. London: Routledge.

Edman, J. (2016).

Swedish drug policy. I: Renaud Colson & Henri Bergeron (red.), European Drug Policies: The Ways of Reform. London: Routledge.

Edman, J. (2018).

Alcohol consumption as a public health problem 1885–1992. I: Johannes Kananen, Sophy Bergenheim & Merle Wessel (red.), Conceptualising Public Health: Historical and Contemporary Struggles over Key Concepts. London: Routledge.

Edman, J. (2018).

Un siècle de restrictions sur l’alcool: Un regard international et historique”, i: Arnaud Coutant (red.), Prohibitions, Broché.

Edman, J. (2019).

Drogerna: den nya berusningspolitiken. I: Jenny Björkman & Patrik Hadenius (red.), Det nya Sverige. Makadam förlag: Göteborg & Stockholm.

Edman, J., Bergman, H., Eriksson, L. & Winter, K. (2021).

Berusningens politiska aritmetik. I: Fredrik Persson-Lahusen (red.), Samhällets långsiktiga kunskapsförsörjning, Makadam förlag: Göteborg & Stockholm.

Tham, H. & Edman, J. (2022).

To be both in the world and yet not of it: Swedish drug policy and the international context. I: Mikkel Jarle Christensen, Kjersti Lohne & Magnus Hörnqvist, Nordic Criminal Justice in a Global World: Practices and Promotion of Exceptionalism, Oxford.