Stockholm university

Research project Selection on timing of reproduction in plants

The aim of this project is to move beyond the simple recognition that selection is spatially and temporally variable and understand what ultimately drives variation in selection.

Photo: Katarina Fast Ehrlén

The project strives to not only explore how abiotic factors and mutualistic and antagonistic interactions influence selection on timing of reproduction in plants, but also to examine how these selective agents are influenced by variation in climatic conditions. Another key objective is to investigate how selection acts on reaction norms of flowering phenology to climatic factors, and to identify the factors driving this selection. To study these questions, we use long-term data sets for timing of reproduction and fitness in permanently marked plant individuals, and climate data.

Project members

Project managers

Johan Ehrlén


Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Johan Ehrlén


Alicia Valdés


Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
