Stockholm university

Research project Snösätra – Crime and disorder in the production of (urban) space

Explores the old industrial area of Snösätra, located in southern Stockholm.

Snösätra can be described as having been ‘forgotten’ by the city over the years, resulting in media reports about the area as a place for marginalised and shady individuals and activities. At the same time, it has also attracted graffiti artists and other cultural actors who, amongst other things, have created the largest outdoor gallery in Sweden. Today Snösätra is transforming from a rough industrial area to a nature reserve and ‘cultural place’ with support from the city. 

Snösätra is an example of a place which, by being ‘forgotten’, became both a problem and an opportunity for the city. This project looks at how the place Snösätra is, and have been, produced socially, politically, and medially, as well as the role of crime and disorder – or perceptions of crime and disorder – in this process. The project aims to illuminate the conflicts and possible symbioses between various agents and interests in relation to this space. While notions of crime and disorder may play a key role in the production of urban spaces – for example, the perception of certain areas as (un)safe – so may other notions, such as ideas about nature and the environment or art and culture. Of particular interest in this project is the relationship between art/culture and crime/disorder. 

Project members

Project managers

Siri Haavimb


Department of Criminology