Stockholm university

Research project Social and Emotional Learning in Preservice Teacher Education

It is argued that the development of the socio-emotional-cognitive skills can be taught and one of the primary places where this learning takes place is in schools. The project aims to investigate how the teacher education at Stockholm University prepares the students to adress this issue.

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Foto: Jens Olof Lasthein

The core social-emotional competencies are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. It is argued that the development of the socio-emotional-cognitive skills these competencies imply is a process, that these skills can in fact be taught, modelled, practised, and applied. In addition, one of the primary places where this learning takes place is in schools. This research then aims to investigate the way in which preservice teacher education at Stockholm University provides the necessary information, coursework and experiences that prepare student teachers to address and attend to questions related to social and emotional learning in practice.

Project members

Project managers

Blanka Ráhel Rósa

PhD student

Department of Education


Maria Weurlander, Main Supervisor

Department of Education