Stockholm university

Research project Social interaction during playtime and language activities

Early interventions in inclusive early childhood Education for children with special educational needs.

Social samvara

The project investigates play and language interventions in the preschool environment with a practical approach with several different theoretical starting points. The project is aimed at a technically eclectic form of practice based on scientific, theoretical and professional assessment.


Project description

In consultation with teachers and special educators from about 15 to 17 preschools, the project focuses on developing areas where evidence-based efforts are lacking. The areas are in demand by professionals and for participation in situations of free play for children in need of support, support for social interaction and learning involving peers, language comprehension and expressive language.

Project members

Project managers

Eva Siljehag


Department of Special Education
Universitetslektor Eva Siljehag

Mara Westling Allodi


Department of Special Education


Susan Sandall

Emeritus professor

University of Washington
Susan Sandall

Samuel Leroy Odom


Specialpedagogiska institutionen

Sven Bölte


Specialpedagogiska institutionen

Maria Glad

Specialpedagogiska institutionen
Maria Glad

Rasmus Riad

Specialpedagogiska institutionen
Rasmus Riad

Birgitta Leyman

Specialpedagogiska institutionen

Lisbet Bäck

Specialpedagogiska institutionen

Katja Persson

Specialpedagogiska institutionen

Camilla Suarez

Specialpedagogiska institutionen

Christina Törnsäter

Specialpedagogiska institutionen