Stockholm university

Research project Spectral modelling of supernova and kilonova explosions:

diagnosing the element factories of the Universe

The Wolf-Rayet star WR124
The Wolf-Rayet star WR124 throws out material with a speed of over 60 km/s. The star will eventually explode as a Type Ibc supernova. Credits: Yves Grosdidier, Anthony Moffat, Gilles Joncas, Agnes Acker and NASA

This project aims to link the evolution of massive stars with their supernova explosions and spectral emission properties.


An understanding of cosmic element production requires a close linkage between stellar evolution and supernova physics.
This projects aims to study element production across the periodic table by coherently modelling stellar nucleosynthesis and supernova emission. By using fast 1D models we explore large physical parameter spaces in order to understand what various emission lines in supernova spectra truly tell us about the lives and deaths of massive stars.

Project members

Project managers

Anders Jerkstrand

Senior Researcher

Department of Astronomy
Photo: Jonas_Enander


Anders Jerkstrand

Senior Researcher

Department of Astronomy
Photo: Jonas_Enander

Stan Barmentloo

PhD student

Department of Astronomy