Stockholm university

Research project Stereotyper och ojämlikhet i utbildning och arbetsmarkinträde

We study the importance of stereotypes and discrimination for inequality at key stages of an individual’s life: university admission, field of study choice, as well as labor market entry and exit.

We study the importance of stereotypes and discrimination for inequality at key stages of an individual’s life: university admission, field of study choice, as well as labor market entry and exit. First, we study how the performance of students in a university program affects the admission of students with similar backgrounds in later cohorts. Second, we investigate how anticipated labor market discrimination discourages female students from studying in male-dominated fields. Third, we study how exposure of firms to young workers changes their perception of workers of different ages and the opportunities they give them.

Project members

Project managers

Louis-Pierre Lepage

Assistant professor

Swedish Institute for Social Research


Pierre Deschamps

Assistant professor

Swedish Institute for Social Research