Stockholm university

Research project Structure and function of membrane proteins

Proteins consist of long chains of amino acids, strands that are built in the protein factories of the cell, namely the ribosomes. The order in which the amino acids are located in the chain is determined by the DNA of the organism in question. Then, as the amino acid chain is folded, the protein assumes the determined function.

Gunnar von Heijne

In the event that there are any errors during the folding process the protein may instead accumulate to sticky, unwieldy, aggregates. Such misfolded proteins are suspected culprits behind disease such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and certain tumors. The actual process of folding protein is one that has been studied intently for at least 50 years. Although the impact of the specific amino acid sequence on protein structure is fairly well known, the process of folding, has presented a considerable scientific challenge.

Project members

Project managers

Nils Gunnar Hansson von Heijne

Professor of Biochemistry

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Gunnar von Heijne