Stockholm university

Research project Swedish sex education 1882-2014: Norms about sexuality in an educational historical perspective

The project Swedish sex education 1882-2014: Norms about sexuality in an educational historical perspective has been granted 4.2 million from VR. Researchers involved in the project are Professor Anne-Li Lindgren and senior lecturer Sara Backman Prytz. The project will run for four years.

That the Swedish school system has been and is inclusive, exclusive, sorted and has categorized students and parents according to class, gender, age, ethnicity, talent and disability is proven in previous research. What has not been shown before is how norms about sexuality have worked sorting and categorizing - inclusive and excluding - in the school's activities and as part of how the school should create an ideal citizen.

Project members

Project managers

Anne-Li Lindgren


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Bild på Anne-Li Lindgren


Magdalena Hulth


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Magdalena Hulth. Foto: Niklas Björling. Stockholms universitet

Helena Bergström


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Helena Bergström. Photo: Niklas Björling.

David Cardell


Department of Child and Youth Studies
David Cardell, photo

Hanna Sveen

Utbildningsledare, gruppledare

Office of Human Science

Anna Westberg Broström


Department of Child and Youth Studies

Josefin Englund

University lecturer

The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH