Stockholm university

Research project Tandem development of waste textile recycling process and chemical screening for a non-toxic

Tandem development of waste textile recycling process and chemical screening for a non-toxic- Re:Start. While recycling of textiles is identified as an urgent need, only 1% of textile is recycled globally today.


While recycling of textiles is identified as an urgent need, only 1% of textile is recycled globally today. Also when recycling occurs the effect of recycling itself on the environment and toxicity of the recycled products and side products are not evaluated sufficiently. Our project aims to bring about a paradigm shift in sustainability and circularity concepts in textile industry.

Project description

Re: start will develop

  1. New methods of recycling where the environmental impacts are expected to be lower than current methods
  2. Develop fast and non-invasive analytical tools to track hazardous chemicals of the textile source, products and side streams, of the recycling process.

The project develops

  • Methodologies for real-time and non-invasive analysis of potentially hazardous chemicals in waste textiles and during recycling processes. 
  • Reclaim PET, acrylics, nanocellulose and hybrids from textile waste for subsequent conversion to monomers, chemicals or other materials for recirculation. 

Project members

Project managers

Anneli Kruve

Associate Professor

Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Anneli Kruve

Aji Mathew


Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Aji Matthew


Drew Szabo


Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Drew Szabo

Varvara Apostolopoulou Kalkavoura

Post Doc

Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Varvara Apostolopoulou-Kalkavoura