Stockholm university

Research project Teaching and learning in the clinical environment

Collaborative project between researchers at Stockholm University and doctors at Karolinska Institutet that examines various aspects of learning in medical education and during continuing education of ST doctors.

Personer i sjukhusmiljö.
Foto: Mostphotos

This research project consists of several different parts, with different research teams where the members are involved in clinical education or continuing education of doctors.

Subproject 1 examines how medical students can develop interprofessional competence within the framework of a clinical education department, and what supervision of medical students looks like for supervisors who are not themselves doctors.

Subproject 2 investigates the possibilities of using so-called 'near peer tutors' in the teaching of medical students in the transition to the surgery course in term 8 of the medical program.

Subproject 3 investigates how ST doctors, specifically psychiatrists, share knowledge that they have learned within the framework of ST courses in their clinical work environment.


Project members

Project managers

Wilhelmina Ekström, Adjunct lecturer

Karolinska Institutet
Picture of Wilhelmina Ekström.

Anders Sondén, lektor, överläkare

Karolinska institutet
Bild på Anders Sondén

Karolina Sörman, researcher, Clinical Neuroscience

Karolinska Institutet
Picture of Karolina Sörman.


Josefin Ivarson, Affiliated to teaching/tutoring

Karolinska Institutet

Lana Zelic, lecturer

Karolinska Institutet