Stockholm university

Research project Teaching for creativity: discourses, didactical models and ethical dimensions

Creativity is an important competence for driving societal development forward and according to the curriculum and EU regulations, students must be given the opportunity to develop their creative abilities. This means that teachers must have the right skills to conduct teaching which benefits this.

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Creativity, innovation and thinking outside of established boundaries are important competencies for the advancement of society as well as when dealing with complex problems. Steering documents on EU level as well as curriculum documents for the Swedish school, highlight that pupils shall have an opportunity to develop their creative abilities. At the same time, research shows that it is important that teachers develop competencies how to educate in a way that supports creativity. The present project aims at investigating the field of tension between creativity and ethics through a mapping of teachers’ assumptions of creativity and their teaching strategies.

Project members

Project managers

Frans Hagerman

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Frans bild

