Stockholm university

Research project TELICORE: Technology Enabled Learning (TEL) in Intercultural Environment

The initial aim of the project was to develop a research and teaching collaboration between Stockholm University (Stockholm, Sweden), Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg, Russia) and Ilia State University (Tbilisi, Georgia). After Russia's invasion of Ukraine the Swedish Institute (SI) decided that all SI-funded cooperation involving Russian and Belarusian state and public actors (including universities) should be suspended immediately. The decision means that these actors can no longer participate in project cooperation (including digital activities), not even with their own funding (this part applies also to Belarusian public actors which according to a previous decision cannot receive funding from SI). Cooperation with Higher School of Economics was suspended from 5 March, 2022.

At present the project continues its work in cooperation with two new partners – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) and the University of Helsinki (Finland). The overall purpose of the project is to pool and share our mutual resources and to develop a research and teaching collaboration.

Cross-border Exchange in Research and Cooperation and Education

The project highlights a corpus-based learning methodology, which is a mainstream in modern applied linguistics. One of the aims is to gather international expertise in corpus analytic research and lexicology and develop tools for language learning. A Technology Enabled Learning (TEL) concept with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) methodologies and tools will provide accessible and attractive learning opportunities.

We are going to:

  1. deepen the collaboration between researchers from these universities and address challenges in research ethics – both in research and in essay writing, and as an anticipated result, to develop new international research projects;
  2. develop exchange at the undergraduate and advanced levels between students at Stockholm University and students in the partner countries of Russia and Georgia;
  3. develop joint courses in corpus-based learning and research methodology andethics which will establish a closer connection between research and teaching. Within the framework of the project, a new online course with a focus on research methodology and corpus linguistics will be created – “Corpus linguistics for language learning and research”. It will address students on undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels majoring in Linguistics and TEL.


Project members

Project managers

Ludmila Pöppel


Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Professor Ludmila Pöppel


Dmitrij Dobrovolskij

Affiliate Professor

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Dmitrij Dobrovolskij

Tora Hedin

PhD Slavic languages

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Tora Hedin, docent i Slaviska språk

Lada Kolomiyets


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)
Lada Kolomiyets

Mihail Kopotev


University of Helsinki ; Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg, Russia), 2021-01-01-2022-03-05
Mihail Kopotev

Tinatin Margalitadze

Professor, Ilia State University (Tbilisi, Georgia)

Ilia State University (Tbilisi, Georgia)
Tinatin Margalitadze

Natalia Ringblom


Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German

More about this project

Online course “Corpus linguistics for language learning and research”

The particular focus of the online course is for learning languages and academic writing. It addresses students on undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels majoring in Linguistics and TEL and aims to develop exchange at the undergraduate and advanced levels between students at Stockholm University and students in the partner countries of Ukraine and Georgia.

The course consists of the following six modules:

Module 1: Introduction. “Technology enabled learning (TEL): learning by doing”

The aim is to provide tools for enhancing the participants digital competencies. The focus will be on the participants active participation and practical tutorials. Participants will have a chance to test tools, methods and digital materials and to create own resources that they need at class, and to discuss pros and contras that arise in a digital environment.

Natalia Ringblom, Stockholms universitet: ”Interactive digital resources in teaching and learning” 
Abstract: The main purpose of this lecture is to provide the tools to enhance the students’ digital competencies and skills by introducing them to most useful virtual tools for online teaching, learning and collaboration: Padlet, Mentimeter, Mural, Creative commons etc. We will even touch upon making recordings in Padlet and Power point.

Download the presentation via Box

Mihail Kopotev, Higher School of Economics, Sankt Petersburg: “Advanced tools for teaching foreign languages”
Abstract: The aim is to present the state of the art in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). The recent developments in the field allow for highly sophisticated teaching algorithms, which will be discussed in the lecture. I will also demonstrate the best practices available to date.

See the presentation on Prezi

Module 2: Critical thinking in academic writing

December 16, 2021 at 10.00 – 12.00 (Stockholm time) on Zoom (the link will be added to our website 1 hour before the lecture).

Lectures and discussions within Module 2 ”Critical thinking in academic writing” will focus on  research methodology and ethics.

Encouraging critical thinking is central to successful academic writing but the concept of critical thinking is rather complex. Students need to learn how to find, interpret and analyze various information. At the same time, they have to be well aware of the importance of avoiding plagiarism. Academic plagiarism poses a growing challenge for digital humanities.

We are going to focus on these issues and discuss such problems such as various types of plagiarism, detection and social impacts of plagiarism, the question of shifting norms in academic authenticity. We are also going to present and discuss some cases of plagiarism.

Lecture 1
Prof. Mihail Kopotev: "Academic plagiarism: detection and social impact”.
Lecture 2
Prof. Tinatin Margalitadze: ”Plagiarism and lexicography”.

Module 2: Critical thinking in academic writing

February 25, 2022 at 11.00 – 13.00 (Stockholm time) on Zoom

Lecture 3
Ass. Prof. Tora Hedin “Academic writing: from theory to practice”
Link to the presentation ==>

Lecture 4
Prof. Dmitrij Dobrovolskij ”Different goals of academic writing”
Link to the presentation ==>

Lecture 5
Nata Chkhaidze, Tamuna Laluashvili, Salome Tchigladze, Keti Mchedlishvili “Did I plagiarize? Ignorance is not always bliss…” 
Link to the presentation ==>

Module 2: Critical thinking in academic writing
April 22, 2022 at 11.00 – 13.00 (Stockholm time) on Zoom (the link will be added to our website 2 hours before the lecture).
“Academic writing from the students’ perspective”. Presentations of students’ research.

  • Nata Chkhaidze “Research type analysis of MA thesis”. Link to presentation
  • Salome Tchigladze “Unknown pages of English-Georgian lexicography (George Ellis and his Comparative Vocabulary of Kartvelian Languages). Link to presentation
  • Tamuna Laluashvili “Slang and slang dictionaries: some peculiarities of Georgian slang”. Link to presentation

Module 3: Why corpora? Internet resources: corpora, databases, dictionaries. Methods of corpus-based research.

December 15, 2022 at 12.00 – 14.00 (Stockholm time) on Zoom (the link will be added to our website 2 hours before the lecture).

Lecture 6
Prof. Tinatin Margalitadze “English-Georgian parallel corpus: history, structure, modus operandi”.
Link to presentation ==>
Link to article “Comprehensive English-Georgian Online Dictionary and Translation of Shakespeare into Georgian" ==>

Presentations of students’ research

  • PhD Salome Tchighladze, PhD Tamar Laluashvili, PhD Nata Chkhaidze “Terminology And Term Extraction Tools”. Link to presentation ==>
  • PhD Irene Elmerot “Using previous research output for analyses: Three things to consider for corpus studies”. Link to presentation ==>

Module 4­: “Corpus at class: using text corpora and corpus-based tools for teaching languages; learner language and learner corpora”.
Module 5: “Using text corpora in linguistic research”

February 17, 2023, at 12.00 – 14.00 (Stockholm time) on Zoom 

Prof. Mihail Kopotev “Corpus at class: using text corpora and corpus-based tools for teaching languages”.

Presentations of students’ research

  • PhD Keti Mtchedlishvili (Tbilisi) “Reader’s and translator's false friends in William Shakespeare's plays Macbeth and King Lear: a corpus-based study of lexicological and lexicographical aspects”. Link to presentation ==>
  • PhD Irina Malaxos “Delimitation of synonyms: a corpus-based study”. 

Module 6: Using text corpora in political discourse analysis, translation studies and literary studies.

April 21, 2023, at 15.00 – 17.00 (Stockholm time) on Zoom ==>

Prof. Lada Kolomiyets “Digital media platforms and cyberspace of the information war”. Link to abstract ==>