Stockholm university

Research project The Many Faces of School Management

A study of management practices in organizing process.

This projects aims at contextualizing the work of the school leader to the many faces of school management, including a variety of processes and actors. This is done in a project designed in two phases.

In the first phase management governing schools in ten Swedish municipalities and five private schools respectively are interviewed. From this group of school organizers (huvudmän) two is chosen as focal organization for the main study.

Furthermore two school units are chosen from each school organizer for case studies of school management accordingly. In the study we take a process theoretical perspective where school management is understood as ongoing organizing processes operationalizes as; day-to-day supervision, quality work and goal oriented management control.

Data collection is manly conducted by interviews and participant observation of meetings and in arenas where these threes processes are expected to unfold.

Project members


Pär Larsson

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Pär Larsson