Stockholm university

Research project The right to healthcare in Sweden for vulnerable EU citizen children

Research project within the framework of the interdisciplinary initiative on the theme of Children, Migration and Integration, which has been granted funding by the Rector of Stockholm University.

Children outside of a tent
Illustration by Gunnel Moheim.

The recent years of economic crisis and unemployment within the European Union has lead to an increased mobility among EU citizens seeking work outside the country of origin. From 2012 to 2015 the number of EU citizens coming to Sweden to make their living by begging on the streets and without a right of residence in Sweden rose sharply. This group is sometimes referred to as “vulnerable” EU citizens as many of them are homeless and has far less chance of gaining access to welfare.

Vulnerable EU citizens children belong to an vulnerable group and it is essential to investigate their possibilities of gaining access to healthcare, as a vital part of their welfare. The aim of this project is therefor to analyze vulnerable EU citizen children’s right to healthcare in Sweden. The purpose is to describe and discuss the relevant national regulation and map out areas of concern. 

Project members

Project managers

Kavot Zillén

Universitetslektor, docent

Department of Law
Kavot Zillen