Stockholm university

Research project The Road From Damascus: New Arrival Immigrant Families and The Swedish Preschool

Research dissertation on newly arrived immigrant families' perception of Swedish preschool and how it is expressed in the Swedish state preschool policy discourse.

The overall aim of the doctoral dissertation is to examine the perception new arrival immigrant families have of Swedish preschool, and the perception of these families as expressed by the Swedish state preschool political discourse over the last fifty-year period. For this purpose, the study uses critical discourse analysis, as proposed by Norman Fairclough. CDA is applied both as theory and as analysis method.

The study is empirically grounded and the analysis covers texts produced by new arrival Syrian families as well as policy documents, government commission’s reports and government bills dealing with preschool in relation to immigration. The study focuses on two main themes that are predominant in both texts; these are language learning (Swedish and mother tongue) and belonging, and shows how they are used to express and assign agency.

Project members

Project managers

Wiji Bohme Shomary


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Wiji Bohme Shomary