Stockholm university

Research project The school subject Swedish as a second language in upper secondary school

The first part of a larger project on Swedish as a second language in suburban schools. The sub-study draws from fieldwork in three linguistically diverse schools.

Swedish as a second language: Sub-study 1; the school subject Swedish as a second language in upper secondary school.

This sub-study is part of a larger project on Swedish as a second language (SSL) in suburban schools in Sweden, based on classroom ethnography.

Sub-study 1 draws from fieldwork (during more than 1.5 years) in three linguistically diverse schools, where a majority of the students studied SSL. The three teachers in the study were qualified to teach SSL, and they had, in addition, long-term experience teaching in linguistically diverse classrooms. In this study we explore and critically discuss:

  • discourses on SSL in the academic field
  • the role of teacher expertise in pedagogical scaffolding of advanced content
  • the relation between curricular aspects of multilingualism and multilingual practices
  • policy friction in our data (see Publications)

Project members

Project managers

Christina Hedman


Department of Teaching and Learning
Christina Hedman

Ulrika Magnusson

Senior lecturer, Associate professor

Department of Teaching and Learning


Hedman & Magnusson, U. (2022).

Skolämnet svenska som andraspråk i internationellt perspektiv – exempel ur forskning [The school-subject Swedish as a second language from an international perspective – examples from research]. Skolverket. Skolämnet svenska som andraspråk i internationellt perspektiv.pdf (

Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2020).

Svenska som andraspråk i gymnasieskolan – praktik och ideologi i tre gymnasieskolor. Lisetten, 30(1), 20–21.