Stockholm university

Research project The Supreme Court and the Argument of Uniformity

Doctoral Thesis that exploring the nuances of uniformity argumentation in relation to the Supreme Court.

Argumentation of uniformity with respect to the Supreme Court has a long tradition and appears in the procedural law context in a variety of ways. It is widely used as a motive for introducing or arguing against changes in the process order, as well as an argument to justify that the Supreme Court must and should act in a certain way. Argumentation of uniformity is further used to legitimize as well as evaluate and criticize the Supreme Court’s role as precedent body. In this doctoral thesis the use and significance of uniformity argumentation regarding the Supreme Court, hereafter the uniformity argument, is examined, analysed, and nuanced. A preliminary point of departure for the study is that the uniformity argument may not be as uniform as it appears at first glance. What appears to be the same argument, may in fact hide nuances, different layers or even contradictions, which can be brought to light by studying the uniformity argument more closely in the different contexts in which it is raised.

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