Stockholm university

Research project Time-series analysis for behavioural user modelling in interactive virtual environments

Many existing digital applications leverage machine learning algorithms to improve their solutions. This project explores how these algorithms can also help understand user behaviour in virtual reality environments to design more effective systems.

Genre photo: User of virtual reality headset. Photo: Eren Li/Pexels.
User of virtual reality headset. Photo: Eren Li/Pexels.

Mobile applications can easily collect and analyse data to understand how users navigate their interfaces, and therefore create more personalized services based on individual profiles.

In recent years, new technologies like virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) have attracted more interest from the public because they enable interactions in 3D space rather than in 2D screens. Instead of just clicking and scrolling on a screen, these immersive interfaces can also capture user behaviour by measuring movement patterns and internal body reactions.

This PhD thesis project aims to understand which of these new data sources are more relevant to model users’ behaviour and design more effective 3D applications. Until now, the results include a set of frameworks to facilitate the collection of behavioural data in virtual environments and several data science algorithms to identify groups of users based on their interactions and movement patterns.

This is Luis Quintero’s PhD thesis project.
Uno Fors is the supervisor, and Panagiotis Papapetrou and Jaakko Hollmén are the co-supervisors.

Project members

Project managers

Uno Fors


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Panagiotis Papapetrou

Professor, deputy head of department

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Panagiotis Papapetrou

Jaakko Hollmén

Senior lecturer

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences


Luis Eduardo Velez Quintero


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences



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