Stockholm university

Research project Too tired to know?

Insufficient sleep has negative effects on several cognitive abilities, but little is known about the extent to which sleep-deprived people are aware of their own impairments.

Tired woman at computer, with coffee. Photo: from Pixabay

Such awareness is called metacognition, which includes predictions and evaluations of one's own performance, as well as the resulting behavior. 

This is especially important in situations where sleep loss is common and mistakes are costly, such as for shift working physicians or in transportation. The aims of this project are therefore to determine the effects of sleep loss on metacognitive ability, its consequences for compensatory behavior, and mechanisms underlying these effects.

Complete project title: Too tired to know? Effects of sleep loss on meta cognition.

Project members

Project managers

Tina Sundelin

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology
Tina Sundelin. Foto: Henrik Dunér

Andreas Jemstedt

Senior lecturer

Department of Education


John Axelsson


Department of Psychology
Pressbild John Axelsson. Foto: Sara Appelgren

Bennett L. Schwartz


Florida International University