Stockholm university

Research project Trade-union internationalism and international employer loyalty

The Swedish textile and garment industry and the European integrations 1957–1995

The project focuses industrial relation in the post-war Swedish textile and clothing industry, as regards European integration and within a context of sector specific structural crisis. It studies the efforts of Swedish actors to sway international competition by acting on international arenas, as well as their determination to influence the movements of labour, capital and goods within sectors of the labour market that were characterised by a large degree of young female migrant workers. Thereby, the project illuminates the mutual relationship between national trade unions and employer associations, and their international forums respectively: international trade secretariats and international employer organisations. It explores the meaning of trade-union internationalism and international employer cooperation, as well as the boundaries of trade-union solidarity and employer loyalty. By extension, the project analyses how international contacts and negotiations affected Swedish labour-market relations. 

Project members

Project managers

Johan Svanberg

Associate Professor

Department of Economic History and International Relations
Johan Svanberg


Susanne Berghofer


Department of Economic History and International Relations
Susanne Berghofer