Stockholm university

Research project Understanding plant biomass formation

The "Cell differentiation and coordination in tissues" group investigates the formation and organization of the plant carbon biomass that is accumulated in plant cell walls.

The "Cell differentiation and coordination in tissues" group investigates the formation and organization of the plant carbon biomass that is accumulated in plant cell walls. We mainly focus on the molecular mechanisms controlling changes in cell wall composition (mostly lignin) and organization (mostly through microtubule guidance).
Discover more about recent breakthroughs in identifying the molecular mechanism controlling cell wall composition and organization under "publications".

Project members

Project managers

Edouard Pesquet


Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Edouard Pesquet


Tore Bengtsson


Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute
Tore Bengtsson

Joseph Sven Malcolm Samec


Department of Organic Chemistry

Lennart Bergström


Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Lennart Bergström

Aji Mathew


Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Aji Matthew
